Categories: Misc

5 Octave Marimbas Purchase: suggestions + advice.

Hey all,

I’m planning on getting my own 5 octave marimba (height adjustable) within the next year or 2, I’ve done a lot of research on the subject (and i do mean alot) and came down to 2 choices.

1. Malletech Imperial Grand (brass)
2. Marimba One

I don’t really like the Adams. don’t wanna take my chances with Coe or Demorrow (have never heard them in person, and I feel safer with a bigger name) and i don’t like yamahas.

People tend to say good things about their own instrument, so there’s really no point in reading reviews online, since those who don’t like their instrument will most likely not take the time to write a review.

The most important thing I’m after is sound quality only. looks, portability and price aren’t big concerns (it’ll be used at home 90% of the time anyways)

Personally speaking, i’ve only heard Marimba One in person once. and i have yet heard a Malletech live (without mixing or mics). The option of going around town isn’t availble since we don’t have too many marimbas around here in richmond/vancouver BC.

since i can’t really do a comparision by ear (at least not for the time being), i was just wondering what you guys think about the marimbas from the two companies in terms of sound and features.

***In particular, i would like to hear what you think of:
1. Malletech brass resonators, Wide Bars, Round accental edges, Tunable resonator, Height adjust system, warranty.
2. Marimba one’s voicing option, height adjust system, genereal instrument design.
3. some specific Pros and Cons for the 2 companies

here’re some of the things i like from each company:
1. Turnable Resonator on individual tubes
2. Height adjustable system ( i could be wrong, but they look easier to operate than marimba one’s, according to the catalogue). It seems that the general design of the instrument looks really reliable and convient for setup.
3. Round Bar edges for accedentals

Marimba One:
1. Bar exchange policy, voicing option, heard alot of good things about their services
2. a lot of players + universities use them.
3. Price (i could be wrong again, Prices I’ve seen for Marimba Ones are lower than Malletechs.

i liked the sound i heard from marimba one, but i might feel differently if the malletech wide bars are as good as they claim to be, but of course, they’d be more likely to break (i don’t think i’ll overplay bars though). I play alot of Bach and classical pieces and keiko abe pieces as well.

Anyways, i hope you can give me as much info as possible!

Your help is important to me and is much appreciated,
happy practicing!


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