Dear Marimbaplayers,
the New Percussion Quartet CD named “Aurora Borealis” is available NOW.
Please have a look and LISTEN to the music at
Buy the CD now with special condidions direct from the Label.
Astor Piazzolla
1. Prologue 02:43
Daniel Nikolas Wirtz
2. Valse Valse 03:09
Keiko Abe
3. Wind Sketch II for Two Marimbas 07:22
Libor Sima
4. The Blues Thing 04:42
Keiko Abe
5. Reflections on Japanese Children’s Songs II for Two Marimbas 10:43
Evan Call: The End of One Journey Cimbalom: Junko SAKIMURA Marimba: Yukako IHARA ‘The End…
マリンバ&ヴィブラフォン三村奈々恵 6月7日(金) 11:30 開園 三重県文化会館大ホール 500円 曲目 ドビュッシー: ベルガマスク組曲より第3曲「月の光」 ササス:アタランタ ロジャース:サウンド・オブ・ミュージックより私のお気に入り ケルト音楽メドレー他
Programme 1. Thomas Marceau: Seascape (approx 4 min)2. Bartok, Bela: Romanian Folk Dances (approx 5…
More information on the album at
ZISAMP 2020 is taking place as scheduled in AUGUST 23-29th in VIENNA. So far 26 students…
7 days remain to record and upload your video to join the 'Virtual Marimba Choir'.…