Categories: Concerts & Events


Under the High Patronage of Her Majesty Queen Paola
The Universal Marimba Competition, acclaimed as one of the most prestigious in the World since its foundation in 2001, gathers the marimba around the globe and foster cross cultural understanding.The winning laureates are launched to embark their international endorsing career. The competition received from 2011 the High Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen, an honor for the first time presented to a marimba competition worldwide. The next edition will be placed from 17-27 July 2013 and includes aside marimba solo also the discipline of marimba duo. competition welcomes each edition a team of worldleading marimba- & percussion virtuosi and passed laureates as jury and performing guest artists for the closing festival. You can see impressions, results and pictures of all passed editions. On the background you will hear beautiful marimba music and repertory pieces of the Competition, performed by artistic director Ludwig Albert and released on his latest double album Global marimba.
All information will be announced from March 2012. visit the website for more information and results edition 2011. We hope you will enjoy your visit on this website and are looking forward to welcome you in Belgium from 17 till 27 July 2013.
Surely a place to be and to share our marimbapassion.
Warmest greetings from the Marimba-projects team & artistic director Ludwig Albert


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