4 Berliner Festival der Religionen
So, 22. Sept. 2019 10 – 21
ufaFabrik Viktoriastr. 10-18 12105 Berlin-Tempelhof
U6 – Ullsteinstraße
Bus 170, 246 – Attilaplatz
Following the success of the Faiths In Tune Berlin Festivals in 2016, 2017 and 2018, which each involved the active participation of 30 Berlin-based faith communities and interfaith initiatives and had 15+ religions represented, our 4th annual Berlin Festival is going to take place on 22 September 2019 at the ufaFabrik Berlin.
The festival will feature an all-day music & dance festival stage programme, an interfaith fair, interactive workshops, exhibitions on religion and interfaith coexistence, and an interactive children’s learning and play area.
For more info, see https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/8f4c81_361124e6a5a8454ea2e283379174ebff.pdf
The entrance to the Berliner Festival der Religionen is free of charge.
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