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Joined: 24 years ago
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Just to spark some conversation...for all students-where are you from, what's your age, and what is your current playing ability, i.e.-what are you working on?

(@Scott (R))
Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 195

Im from Concordia Colege in Moorhead, MN, Im 19..Im currently working on ahem..Austurias Leyenda, Rhythm Song, Dream of the Cherry Blossums, Ultimatum 1, 2 Mexican Dances, Movember Evening, and the Tanaka two movements..I practice a lot..


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My name is Kyle, I am 14 years old. I have been playing marimba for about 3 years, and i am working on Dream of the Cherry Blossoms, Frogs, and Time.

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My name is Alex, I'm from Florida, I'm 14 years old, and I've been playing marimba for about a half of a year. I'm currently working on Furioso and Valse in D minor.

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I am from Jacksonville, Il. I'm 19 and I'm working on Tambourin Paraphrase by Abe, October Night by Burritt, and Mexican Dance No. 1 by Stout.

Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 23

Well first of all I have a is it Scott and I are playing so many of the same pieces?
I returned to marimba after a 4 year....hiatus..... anyway. I am officially a college sophmore...this year I have gone through the Tanaka's, Nyack, Footpath(this is my current project, so nice to have the summer for myself on marimba at least!)Asturius....well so far as marimba goes that is it. And for the curious .....I am 23.
As for a history.....spent 2 years in corps, took 4 years off....and well now I am back.
I find that the piece I have related to the most this year was the second movement of the Tanaka, but I have to say Nyack is by FAR the most fun I have had playing marimba in a LONG time. Which brings me to a question........PASIC I want something original. I was originally thinking Footpath, but I know JJ used it a few years ago. I have been considering a transcription....but I think it is way to out there.

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I'm 13 years old. I'm currently working on Velocities by Joseph Schwantner, Process of Invention by Christopher Deane, and Eight Pieces for Timpani by Elliot Carter.

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I'm Dan from houston, texas. I'm 16 i've been playing marimba seriously for about 2-3 years, four mallet for about a 1 and a half. I started with Gitano by gomez and now i'm working on Rhythm song. after this i wanna do Ghanaia and then Song for Allison

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Posts: 13

So in case this is of any pertinence, I am 20 and have been studying 'percussion' (really, only the marimba) since January of this year and am now working on Time for Marimba (Miki), Concertino for Marimba and Orchestra by Paul Creston, and Concerto for Marimba by Ney Rosauro.

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My name is Julia. I'm 17 years old, h.s. junior. I've played percussion for 6 years, but didn't really start to take marimba seriously until about 2 years ago. I'm currently working on Frogs, Musser's B-Major, the Creston Concertino, Bill Molenhof's Music of the Day, and Rhythm Song. I'm mainly working on the Creston, but I do practice several other things to stay focused - I have somewhat of a short attention span... ;-). If I'm not bogged down by physics or something, then I DO have time to practice. School's out now, so I can't complain!

Joined: 25 years ago
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Hi. I'm a 24 year old masters student in percussion performance. I didn't really start playing marimba until college and, although I don't spend much time on it these days, I do love to play. I spent 2 years in drum corps playing marimba and have played a variety of pieces from Wind in the Bamboo Grove to the Sarmientos Marimba Concerto. My next marimba adventure is for my recital: Marimba Spiritual. Ever since I first saw it performed I vowed to end a recital with it and that will finally happen this fall!

(@Ryder Shelley)
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I'm 16, from North Carolina, and started 4 mallets a couple of months ago.
I've been playing Furioso and Valse (for an upcoming audition), Musser
Etude 10, and October Night, among others.

Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 8

My name is Mike, & I'm 16 & from Minnesota. I've been taking private lessons on marimba & have been playing four mallets for three years (what a mistake! it's very important to get all the foundations down for two mallets before you go on to four mallets; it saves so much time later down the road. my 10 years of piano lessons has helped a lot, though). This last year I have worked on Prism (Abe), Two Movements for Marimba (Tanaka), Wind Across Mountains (Abe), Concertino for Marimba & Orchestra (Creston) which I also performed at Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis, & I just started working on Ultimatum 1 (Zivcovic).
