Solo Marimba Sugges...
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Solo Marimba Suggestions?

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(@Dave Pirotte)
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 11
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Hey there folks, 🙂

Okay, I'm a junior in high school and am looking to put on a solo recital (or maybe a joint recital with a friend of mine). This is something I've never done before, so I'm looking for some help from you guys who do this on a regular basis 😉

The thing will include a rudimental snare solo, multipercussion, probably timpani, then four marimba pieces I think (maybe a G.H. Green rag for kicks at the end cause they're too cool).

Ok, For marimba, I'm currently learning Paul Smadbeck's "Rhythmsong" and would like to play that. Also I know the Stevens arrangement of Tchaikovsky's Album for the Young, movement one ("Sweet Dreams") and would like to play that.
So, that leaves two more .. I'm thinking one more major work, and then a slightly lesser piece, giving me two large and two small-medium pieces. The farthest size limit is 4 1/3 octave (low A). This is pretty much where I need help: selecting solo reperitoire. Someone has recommended Monograph IV (by Gipson, I think) and Tanaka's Two Movements for Marimba, neither of which I have heard or know anything about. Also, for a midrange piece, a friend gave me a copy of Frogs (Abe) which could be fun. I'd appreciate some help on selecting this music cause I'm unfortunately quite clueless to putting on recitals, and want to do this right 🙂 Thanks a bunch guys


PS: This guy and I are perhaps looking for a malletduet to perform if we do a joint recital (or to learn for fun).. Something crazy and fun (yet will let us retain just a little bit of our sanity), as a grand finish or something to that extent 😉 Any suggestions?

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hi dave, if you are looking for a good duo maybe you'd like nagoya marimbas by reich. it's a great work (you need 2 low a marimbas) it's relatively short and i think it's challenging but if you can play frogs and tanaka you can play the reich. the Suite for Marimba by fissinger is a great work which is good for both general audiences and percussion audiences. good luck. greg
