Tuning A Xylorimba
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Tuning A Xylorimba

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(@Ray Ayala)
Joined: 25 years ago
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I have an old Deagan Xylorimba which needs tuning. Fall Creek tried to tune it several years ago but were not successful. They said at the time that the technology for tuning these instruments died with the early tuners. Any suggestions? It could be a great instrument because of the resonance of the bars!

(@Matt Coe)
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 1


The 'technology' for tuning a xylorimba still exists. However, it is very possible that your particular instrument may not be able to be re-tuned. (depends on several factors...the condition, care of the instrument, etc) Let me take a look at the bars, or if you really want a definite answer then contact Gilberto Serna. He worked for the DEAGAN corp. the last 30 years that they were in business and he bought the Deagan building when they were bought out by Yamaha. He still works there re-tuning and re-furbishing instruments.

Hope that helps some.


Matt Coe
Owner/President, COE PERCUSSSION

Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 2

Send your bars to Gilberto Serna at Century Mallets
and have Paul tune them..

He is in his 80's now and he is one of those master tuners..
