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Schools and Festivals

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Joined: 23 years ago
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I might actually graduate next year with my Bachelor's and am starting to think about going to grad school. My main emphasis is on four mallets and I would like to get a masters in performance, and eventually in musicology. If anyone has any suggestions on good schools or professors I would really appreciate it!

I am also thinking about going to the Leigh Howard Stevens Marimba Seminar this summer and was just wondering if anybody here has been and has an opinion on it.

Thank you

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The best school for mallet percussion is the "Snoop Dogg School for Bustin' Sick Rhymes" founded by the grand masta' G-Stout. It's located straight outta' Locash on the West side YO! Snoop Dogg himself and the Stout hang out there on a regular basis. For an application go to www.SnoopDoggSchoolforbadassRhymeBustin'Sucka'.com I've tried to get into this school many times and they said I just were'nt black enough. Even though I bust rhymes like a sick fool they said you need to be black as hell to get in sucka! Please don't get discouraged it's worth the shot because so many great marimba players have graduated from there: Snoop, Dr. Dre, Billy Gladstone, Ice-tea, Ice-Cube, Vanilla Ice, yo yo ma, Bearded clam.. the list goes on. Good luck, I'm sure if you bust wicked rhymes and come from the west side they'll let you in.
Peace Out!!!

(@Ray Dandurand)
Joined: 23 years ago
Posts: 8

I highly recommend the LHS summer seminar. I learned alot about music and myself in addtion to the Steven technique. this seminar has saved me hours of practice time by helping me create shortcuts and different ways to approach the marimba. Leigh and SHe E are incredible teachers who really strive to help you learn.
