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New Online Catalog of Orchestral Excerpts

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(@Marc Adler)
Joined: 26 years ago
Posts: 34
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Hello all,

This is long overdue........ and in "celebration" of the forced move of my web hosting service from AtHome to Comcast.


As a service to the percussion community, I am maintaining a catalog of orchestral excerpts and other sheet music on my web site.

Composers of percussion music who would like to submit their pieces are welcome.

If you would like to contribute music to this site, please follow these guidelines:

* The music must be in the public domain.

* If the music is not in the public domain, then we must have permission from the author or publisher to reprint this music here.

* You should send a grey-scale JPG file. In order to save space, we will resize the JPG to approximately 4x5".

To submit parts, please contact me at

The link to the page is:

For starters, I have posted my timp parts to Beethoven's 5th and Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet Overture. (I also have the timp parts to Symphonic Metamophosis, but I do not think that it is in the public domain, so I have not posted it yet.)
