mallets for bach ce...
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mallets for bach cello suite..

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I would like to hear your opinion...
What do u your for playing bach cello suite and what do you thin is the best mallets for this...
I know this is a little bit strange question but i will be very happy if anybody will help me!
I am playing now bach celo suite with Musser M 233 but i think this is to hard for bach...


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you should just experiment with the mallets that you have to find your right sound.

Do some thinking about what you think your marimba sound should be. Do you want a lush, warm sound, a vibrant bright sound. Think tone or attack as a starting place.
Next think about the mallets you prefer to play with, do you like light heads or heavy heads. Wool or Cord. Birch, Rattan or Fiberglass.

these are some general mallets to get you started
Innovative Mark Ford 803
Encore Zeltsman Brown
Malletech Stout GS13
Balter Contemporary Medium Soft

There are litteraly hundreds of marimba mallets in the need to think about what sound you want and chose accordingly. After much experimentation, Ive found the mallets I use most often, which arent for everyone. Its a personal choice is what Im getting at.


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I played the 1st cello suite with a Nancy Zeltsman NZ4B (Brown) that seemed to sound the best for the Yamaha and Marimba 1 marimbas that I was using.

