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wind in the bamboo grove

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Joined: 24 years ago
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Hi, I'm at the "rolling cadenza with the shafts" section in Wind in the Bamboo Grove. I just have a couple questions about this section:

1. Rattan or birch shafts?
2. Play near the head of the mallet or near my hands?
3. Ripple roll?

I would like your opinions, thanks.

Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 195

Im listening to my recording of Ms. Abe doing the piece, and I would say that it doesnt really matter whether you use birch or rattan, both will have about the same sound. Personally I would strike around the upper half of the shaft. But do some experimenting to find out where you think it should go. On the recording I have, Abe does not use a ripple roll, probably due to her use of traditional grip, but this is another personal preference. Do what you think is best


(@Mike Mathew)
Joined: 23 years ago
Posts: 6


Abe uses rattan mallets with her traditional grip (though one could use birch with the grip if desired).

Placement of the shaft on the bar is a personal preference. Experiment a bit with it. It may depend on your interval spread. Notice that when you play closer to your hands, it is softer than closer to the heads. Use this to your advantage to express your ideas more drastically.

Have fun with Abe's music!

Mike Mathew
Garland, TX
