Painting My marimba
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Painting My marimba

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(@Edward Gunia)
Joined: 1 second ago
Posts: 0

hello there,
i have been playing the marimba for over 14 years, before that i was a vibes and xylo phreak! I just found this board and kinda feel like i am in an AA meeting, but whatever. I guess what i wanted to know is whether or not anyone here has painted or recolored their marimba keys...odd request i know. I contacted Marimba One, the manufacturer (duh) and they reccomended that if anything i just stain them with a different colour. The reason i want to do this is really more for the aesthetics. I lent this marimba to a so called proffesional who was visiting from england and he managed to somehow wreck about 4 keys... whats up with that? Then he refused to pay for the repair or replacement! wHAT A FUGAZI!
SOOOOO i was thinking it would be kinda cool to have like blue keys or back to may question....anyone here done anything like that or am i crazy... ?

(@Freddy Fingers)
Joined: 1 second ago
Posts: 0

hmmm good question, eddy.
I assume if you own a marimba one you know what you are doing so i assume that you already realize that it probably isn't the best of ideas to do what you are intending.
Having said that...why don't you take one of the wrecked keys and experimen with it. the worst that will happen is that you will need to replace it, which it sounds like you will have to anyway!...Good luck, let us know what happens!!!
PS whatever happened to the guy that wrecked you marimba?

(@Bill Youhass)
Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 74

I'm surpised the guys at MARIMBA ONE said to stain it. If you do that without a clear finish the stain will probably come off on your mallets. Who did you talk to? I know Ron Samuels and John Salazar, his tuner, very well and I'm surprised they suggested that.
Don't paint the bars!!!! You will ruin theninstrument. If you really want to do this,the bars need to be stripped and re-finished with any of a number of finishes, such as a tinted pre-catalyzed lacquer, eurathane, etc...
I do a lot of refinishing of xylos, marimbas, bells and occasionally vibes..and could strip and refinish it for you in a different tint, but I would not be interested in doing a color such as blue.

Bill Youhass
Fall Creek Marimbas
