I'm looking to purchase a used 4.3 octave Rosewood or Paduck Marimba. Prefer height adjustable. Any one have one for sale?
Linda at lcarnero@msn.com
I am starting to keep a list of people looking to buy and sell instruments..At some point I may post it on my web-site as a "mallet instrument exchange" but it's not ready yet...Send me an email at pangaia@earthlink.net and I can put you in touch with someone..
Bill Youhass
Fall Creek Marimbas
We welcome you to visit our new site www.malletshop.com Our mission is to provide a place where individuals can find and own vintage mallet percussion instruments. We've been in business since 1997 and we have shipped instruments worldwide including Canada, Czech Republic, England, France, Japan, Norway, Romania, Spain and United States, including Hawaii. Please visit us at www.malletshop.com