beg. 4-mallet liter...
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beg. 4-mallet literature

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(@Angie T)
Joined: 23 years ago
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I am looking for some newer literature for the beginning
(4-mallet)marimba student. When I was an undergrad,
I remember playing through the Mitch Peters pieces, and
Alice Gomez. These worked for their assessability, and use
of fundamental techniques. However, I am interested in
learning of any other composers, and/or specific pieces that
I could use in addition. Thanks!

Joined: 23 years ago
Posts: 37

A couple that I haven't recently discovered for my own students are Ney Rosauros "7 Brazilian Children's Songs", and Keith Larson's "Little Suite". Both are really great as a first 4-mallet solo.

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I got a look at cognitive dissonances by frank bloom and it looked to be a very managable 4 mallet solo for a new player. Utilizes some of the fundamentals.
