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Cases for malletech marimbas

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(@Kevin Kosnik)
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 4
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Hi, I am currently considering purchasing a Malletech 4.3
concert marimba, and I was wondering if cases/bags are
aviable for Malletech as I know they are for Musser and
Marimba One. Would Musser M-250 bags or the Marimba One 4.3
bags work with a Malletech? What about Yamahas or other
brands. If they are not avaible, what do all of you do when
taking your marimbas to gigs, etc? It seems a little uinsafe
to just throw your $6000 investment in the back of your car
and hope for the best...


Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 5

Sorry this didn't come a little earlier...I've just heard
about this site...I own a 5.0 Malletech and have been
looking for THREE years for cases or even a nice drop
cover...I've talked to Steve Nemeiroff(Manager at Malletech)
and he has told me that no bags are currently being made...
I've talked to a few custom companies but to make bags for
each piece is terribly expensive!!!...These inst. are also
very heavy...which means a bag can't necess. hold the weight
they need to...Hope this helps you out and is not too late...
Good Luck..Jenn
