Marimba duo music
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Marimba duo music

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I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for a marimba duo that would be good for a senior recital. We are of same ability, and it is to fit with a program including Velocities, Frogs, Etude for A Quiet Hall, and a few others. I'm looking for a piece that has contrasting sections, and energetic, please help me! Jon

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Aside from the following suggestions, there are a number of good suggestions made in postings in response to message 2259 from Annabell79 later here on this message board.

With an advanced program such as yours, there are some great pieces to choose from, my votes being:

Toccata, by Anders Koppel (4.6Oct Marimba and Vibraphone)
Nagoya Marimbas, by Steve Reich (A LOT of fun to coordinate stickings with your can really make it look harder than it needs to, and can be quite flashy...FUN!)
Alborada del Gracioso, by Maurice Ravel, arranged by Safri Duo (only bad thing is the contrasting section that they arranged is omitted from their publication, but is recorded on their album Goldrush)
Blue Tango, by Ruud Wiener (5Oct Marimba(?) and Vibes)
Finally, although i've never heard the piece, but if i ever had to pick a duet soley based on the name, hoping i liked it (i'm sure we've all done that at some point 😉 I think i would try out K. Tsubonoh's Fantom just sounds cool!!

Anyway, again these are just a few of my faves...there are many other great pieces suggested later in the message board.

Good luck!
