Choosing mallets fo...
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Choosing mallets for a very fast piece....

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Joined: 22 years ago
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I am working on Paul Bissell's "The Butterfly". For those unfamiliar with the piece it stays in the upper register of the marimba quite a bit, and is VERY fast.(check out for audio of the entire piece) I obviousley need articulation, so I know I need something hard. I have a pair of Malletech Michale Burrit 18 mallets which are very nice, but prett heavy. Should I just complete the Michael Burrit set, or should I go with something that is hard but more lightweight?

My preference is Malletech. I like birch, unlacquered shafts. Please advise!!

(@James Walker)
Joined: 25 years ago
Posts: 138


Given the choice, I'd say go with the Mike Burritt mallets. I'm not a big fan of the Stevens-style mallets, with the really light cores. I prefer a mallet with some more "guts" to it, but I'm funny that way...
