I know this is mostly a marimba board, but thought, as I get a lot of e-mails these days about Nico vanderPlas' vibes and damper pads, I'd post this info...perhaps it's a little self-promotion, but I hope also good information for those who also play vibes..
Nico vanderPlas, the highly regarded Dutch vibe maker, will be at the FALL CREEK MARIMBAS booth #20 at PASIC - November 13-16... we'll have a 3 octave vibe and 3.5 octave vibe on display, as well as plenty of silicone damper pads for sale...
Fall Creek Marimbas will be acting as the USA "agent" for his vibes and are already selling the damper pads. There is info on the damper pads at the Fall Creek web-site...
Nico's web-site is www.vanderplas_perc.nl ..hope to see some of you there...
Bill Youhass
Fall Creek Marimbas
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01/11/2002 11:07 pm