marimba learning
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marimba learning

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Hi, I am a young percussionist who just started playing about two years ago. So far I love playing the marimba, but I am not all that great at it. I need two things, first of all I am doing a project on resination of instruments and I was wanting some tips on where I might be able to take the project, and where I might be able to get some information and ideas. The other thing is that I was wondering if anyone might be able to give me some tips on improving my skill. Thank you.

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to improve your marimba playing skills-find a good, motivating teacher. Practice regularly (a little bit every day is much better than a lot once a week). Work on technique, solos, (both 2 mallet and 4 mallet) and sight-reading.

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Technique is soooooooo important. When I started, all I wanted to do was learn pieces as fast as possible. I played really really hard repetoire, but I didn't have any technique. So obviously, bad technique = bad playing.
My biggest mistake was going too fast through things and not learning technique.

So, in conclusion, learn good technique. My favorite technique books are George Hamilton Green's "Instruction Course for Xylophone" (mainly 2 mallets but some 4 mallets) and for 4 mallets, LH Steven's "Methods of Movement." Finally, pace yourself. Don't rush through things. Just be patient and take things slow.
Have fun!
