showy marimba solo
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showy marimba solo

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Does anyone have any ideas for a showy, fast, & impressive marimba solo (preferably advanced, but not too incredibly difficult)? It's for my school talent show, so I need a piece that will capture the audience (& judges) & will be pleasing to the nonmusician. Suggestions for any size marimba will be appreciated since I own a 5 octave marimba, but suggestions for a 4 1/3 would be preferred since I will only have access to my school's 4 1/3 for the talent show.

Thanks very much!

(@Christopher Tomaloff)
Joined: 23 years ago
Posts: 66

holy cow, what a list....

Keiko Abe: "Prism" (Low A)
Andrew Thomas: "Merlin" (Low F)
Joseph Schwantner: "Velocities" (Low C)
Nebjosa Jovan Zivkovic: "Fluctus" (Low A)
Paul Creston: "Concertino for Marimba" Mvt. I or III (III is QUICK) (Low A)
Daniel McCarthy: "Razdraz" for Marimba and Alto Sax (Low A)
Michael Burritt: "Four Movements for Marimba" Mvt. II or IV (Low A)
Rich O'Meara: "Restless" (Low A)
C.O. Musser: "Etude in C", "Etude in B", "Etude in A-flat" (Low A)

Some would be better suggestions than others, that's for sure... it all depends on how fast you learn notes. Personally, I'd go with Prism, by Abe.



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Posts: 14

Dang it, I thought I had an original idea when I proposed that I play a marimba solo for my school's talent show next year. What you descrived is exactly what you need: something with a lot of intensity, velocity, and groove. Now if I could only name a piece of that nature and yet simple enough to learn quickly. . .

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Rhythmic Jambalaya by Kevin Bobo is intense...but needs chops. Great piece though, lots of fun and groove. Low F.
