durable vibe mallet...
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durable vibe mallets

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(@Mike S)
Joined: 1 second ago
Posts: 0

hi, I need a new set of vibe mallets. My last pair fell apart recently, and I was looking for something that will last longer. I had a pair of vic firth yellow mushroom head mallets. I was hoping someone here could recommend a good pair that will hold up to everyday practicing so I won't need a new pair in 3 months.
thanks 🙂

(@Mike S)
Joined: 1 second ago
Posts: 0

By the way, for marimba, I've been using a set of Zildjian Essential Series, and they're pretty nice and have lasted me about 6 months with no wear yet... my friend has a set he's had longer and he's got no wear either, plus he practices more than me.... so they're really good to practice with.

(@Pedro Carneiro)
Joined: 22 years ago
Posts: 18

Hi Mike,

Mike Balter Nrs 22 and 23 are pretty durable, altough sound depends on what you are looking for. Only problem, at least for me, is that they have quite short handles. Perhaps they make them longer? No idea.

All best wishes,


(@Lon Stetz)
Joined: 22 years ago
Posts: 28

Hi Mike,

I recommend a pair of Malletech DS18 {Dave Samuels line}. I have had a pair for over a year and have been very satisfied with them. One of my collegagues, who is an active percussionist in the NYC area has had two pairs of DS18 mallets that have lasted close to ten years.

I also have found that the DS18 Vibe mallets also make good Marimba mallets.

Best of luck in your studies.

Sincerely, Lon Stetz
