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(@Christopher Tomaloff)
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OK, this board has been dead for a little bit... Let's see if we can get a thread going.

What piece(s) is everybody working on?

I'll post mine once the thread picks up.



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My own etude 😀

(@Pedro Carneiro)
Joined: 22 years ago
Posts: 18

Dear CJT, dear Nat,

It would be easier to post, if it could be done from a regular e-mail client, instead of having to logon to the - just an idea. I am working on Askell Masson's MARIMBA CONCERTO, he's just done a 5 octave version which I am about to premiere in G

(@Lon Stetz)
Joined: 22 years ago
Posts: 28

I am about half way through Jacob Druckman's "Reflections on the Nature of Water," and i am planning to begin John Serry's multiple percussion piece "Therapy" in a week or two.

All the best -


(@James Walker)
Joined: 22 years ago
Posts: 21

The next "classical" piece (in the broad, incorrect, generic definition of the word) on the docket for me is Rick Hermann's "Four American Folk Songs" for soprano and marimba.

At the moment, however, my projects aren't really classically-oriented. I've been recording vibraphone and marimba tracks for a Chicago-based guitarist's CD project, and I'm preparing to appear as soloist with a percussion ensemble in October, performing one of Dave Samuels' compositions on a program honoring Dave.

(@Christopher Tomaloff)
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Now that my Senior recital is over and Im not taking lessons anymore, it's nice to be able to play things "for me" (if that makes any sense to anyone else, lol), so I've been doing lots of site reading and brushing up on old pieces. In the past two weeks, i've read/played through:

Michael Burritt's "Four Movements for Mar", Christopher Stowen's "Atamasco" for Mar. & tape (which is SICKLY hard), "Var. on Japanese Children Songs", Rosauro's Marimba Concerto (#1), assorted "Funny Mallets" selections, and completing my marimba duet entitled "Negative Space" in 3 movements.


