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Collegiate Marimba Questions

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To whomever might be able to offer some advice..
I'm in my 4th year at the University of Nebraska Lincoln as a percussion performance major and plan to continue on for graduate school fall of 2005. I know there is a vast selection of marimba concerti availible and wanted to know what are some of the selections I should familiarize myself with. I don't really have the time to learn entire pieces, but if there is a certain movement or just what pieces to seriously look at. Thanks for your input


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Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 318


You have probably looked at both my "Syllabus & Repertoire List" and "Marimba Concerto List" on this web site -- if not, do so.

I recommend every musician have a good historical grounding, so start with the early or traditional concerti: Creston, Milhaud, Kurka, Basta and Sarmientos. At the very least, listen to them and examine a score; if possible, play through them.

Then, look at some of the modern concerti. I recommend the Bennett, Klatzow, Svoboda, Kopetzki and Ewazen (it may be time to update that concerto list!).

That should get you started.


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Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 318

P.S. The best way to learn this material is to pick out a different concerto to learn EACH YEAR for your school's "Concerto Competition," and then ideally, perform with orchestra at some point.

A good sequence might be: Hovhaness or Mayuzumi, Creston or Basta, Kurka or Sarmientos, Klatzow or Bennett, Svoboda or Kopetzki.

There are other popular favorites (Abe and Rosauro, for instance), but I prefer a bit more substance.

