Klatzow "Dances of ...
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Klatzow "Dances of Earth and Fire"

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Well, I just got this piece in the mail. I have played through the first page, and have skimmed over it, and it looks like such a fantastic piece. I was wondering if there is anything about this piece I should know about, like some corrections in the music, or wahtever. Any suggestions?
I do have a few questions though.
-Measure 60, how do I play that first chord in the bass clef with the roll still going on. Is it just one of those things where you just have to move really fast and make it as convincing as possible?
-In the same measure, at the end of beat 3 (second set of triplets, the D and G#) that is supposed to be rolled right? Again, what would you do hear, if you have the four note chord at the bottom?
-Measure 77, what do those "+++++" mean?
This really is a moster of a piece. I am VERY surprised that it has not been recorded yet. Actually, I have recently become very upset at the fact that there are so many pieces that have not been recorded yet. And for the ones that have, you can't get most of the albums because they are out of print! Very frustrating... Well, if anything, its something for many of us to shoot for.

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There are lots of mistakes in the HoneyRock edition, so be careful.

m. 60, yes. The "+" and the dotted tie are in recognition that you must do something to give the illusion of the treble pitches sustaining. Gunther Schuller tied the same thing in "Marimbology" by asking the player to sing or hum, but it only works with a female voice in the same octave.

m. 77, I don't remember and I don't have my annotated score at hand, just now. I don't think they are significant.

Robert Van Sice has performed DE&F so many times, there must be lots of bootleg recordings out there...

