Ewazen Concerto 3rd...
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Ewazen Concerto 3rd Mvmt.

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(@George Nickson)
Joined: 21 years ago
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Just as I have started to dig in on this mvmt. I have noticed that there is a section which is notated with x's instead of a normal musical note, yet there is no instruction anywhere as to what this means. I'm not sure if it is indicating shafts on the end of bars, or dead strokes, etc. If anyone knows, or has heard a recording, please advise. Also, please inform if there is a released recording of this piece, preferably with the string orchestra accompaniment. Thanks, George Nickson

(@Kristopher G)
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It means "marimshot," or play with both shafts and heads at the same time. If you e-mail Eric Ewazen at his Juilliard address, he'll probably help you out with a recording. The one he got for me is She-e Wu with the Moment Musical Orchestra of Japan. It's a cool piece, I'mm going to start working on it when my new marimba arrives.

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The X's indicate the shaft of the mallet on the edge of the bar. She-e's recording is out now on Resonator Records... I think you can order it from Steve Weiss or mostlymarimba.com

Good luck... what a cool piece!

(@Kristopher G)
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Sorry...as it turns out, after looking at the part and listening to the recording in appears that post 3830 is correct, the x's mean use the mallet shafts on the edges of the bars.

Out of curiosity, what mallets do you like for this piece so far?
