I've logged on and gone to web links page and I don't see any link to add an entry.
There is an Edit Menu in the lower right. Click on Web Links, and you will find the appropreate menu there.
Looks like you could post the link fine
DeMorrow instruments is a small company in Arkadelphia, Ar that manufactures and sells mallet percussion instruments, specializing in marimbas, xylophones, vibraphones, and orchestra bells. The company has been in production over 20+ years and just recently put up a new website to coincide with a new shop which expanded workspace by 20 fold. In the past, production was extremely slow and could take up to 12-18 months for shipment. We are very proud to announce a new delivery time of 3-4 months. Please visit the new website and give us a call or e mail us at www.demorrowinstruments.com , we believe you will be glad you did.