I always wanted a m...
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I always wanted a marimba!

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(@David Kobrinetz)
Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 1
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I always wanted a marimba. I'm drawn to the marimba and would like to purchased a used instrument. Looking to keep cost down while I learn to play (I can read music) Low cost,not low quality. Anyone know of a reasonably priced quality instrument?



(@Wilfred Kube)
Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 2

I saw your note at the marimba.org message board, and you
may have seen my notice about building a marimba.
I wonder whether you have received any responses to your
request? I live in Melbourne, Australia, and wonder whether
you may have searched the Internet for information about
these instruments. Perhaps I may even be able to provide
some answers to questions you may have.
Best wishes, Wilfred Kube

Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 195

well you have some options for lower cost instruments

here are some choices (that are probbably the best sound for the cash spent)
1) Yamaha Accoustalon 4 1/3 octave-it's a synthetic bar, but sounds as good as rosewood-one of my personal favorites
2)Yamaha Padouk 4 1/3-it's a lower-quality wood, I'm not sure what they sound like, but they're cheap
3)Premier Synthetic 4 1/3 octave-I don't like them, but they're also inexpensive
4)Kori Imperial II 4.33 Rosewood-probably the best buy of them all, Kori makes GREAT marimbas
5)Musser M250-Rosewood or Kelon-the rosewood is a great marimba, I can't say the same about the kelon.

If you're serious about buying a marimba, check out the woodwind & Brasswind-Drums in the winds catalog-(www.wwandbw.com)they have a huge selection or call Steve Weiss...I'm not sure about the Steve Weiss number.

Of course if you want the best marimbas...get a Malletech or Marimba One...but be ready to dole out the cash..

Hope I helped
