Paduk vs Rosewood v...
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Paduk vs Rosewood vs Synthetic

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(@r poole)
Joined: 24 years ago
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Anyone have any experience with rosewood vs. paduk and synthetics? Seems most manufacturers offer your choice of the three, with paduk being much cheaper than rosewood and a little cheaper than synthetic. Is there a big difference in sound or maybe durability? Yes, you get what you pay for, but being a beginner and first-time buyer, I'm not sure I'd notice the difference between a good marimba and a really excellent one.

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Joined: 29 years ago
Posts: 9

Aparently, there are subtle
difference in both sound and durability.
Best way to find out the sound differnce is to
listen to it yourself, but the posting around
the thread starting at message number 280
this link
) may also give you some idea on it.

Have fun!

Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 2

I'm not familiar with Paduk, but as far as synthetic vs.
rosewood, there is a big difference in sound. It's difficult
to explain, but synthetics ring longer when struck. That's
only one difference, and in my opinion the most noticeable.

Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 2

I'm not familiar with Paduk, but as far as synthetic vs.
rosewood, there is a big difference in sound. It's difficult
to explain, but synthetics ring longer when struck. That's
only one difference, and in my opinion the most noticeable.
