Clair Omar Musser
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Clair Omar Musser

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(@Kyle Zerna)
Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 68
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I'm 14 years old and i am participating in solo and ensemble contest. I finally mastered Etude in C major, Opus 6, No. 10 in a week. Do you think this peice is challenging enough to blow the judges away at the contest?

Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 195

a week eh?? yeah, the C major etude is nice, it should work out nicely. If you have time (both in the contest time and to practice) you might want to add the Nature Boy etude (G major, no. 7) it's a nice contrast to no. 10.

Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 9

One week is a pretty short time to "master" a piece...and most judges/panels aren't concerned with how long it took to learn it. I usually hope that their main focus is musical content next to technical ability. But then again, that's in a perfect world. Good luck at the contest, unless it already passed, in which case "hope you played well." 🙂

