My private teacher thinks that im ready for 2 Mexican Dances by stout. (correct me on the title if im wrong) i heard its really advanced, be he still thinks i can get it ready.
so what i want to know is if im ready for this. Im in 8th grade, and the hardest peice i can play is musser's etude in c major. But i really work hard at practicing new peices and have the determination.
Dear Kyle,
2 mexican dances is a very important and nice piece of marimba repertoire. It is also a challenging piece, but if you are determined and practice slowly I am sure you are capable of playing it. I would reccommend working slowly and accurately and then your repetition in practicing it will help develop the speed and technique involved. You might want to work on some of Stout's etudes to get a feel of his writing style and the technical problems faced with his music. Good luck, and it's not about how hard it is but how good the music is, and how good YOU can make the music.
Wow... eighth grade!!!! I remember playing this piece not too long after it came out in 1979 as a senior in college, and at that time, the piece was considered to be practically state of the art. Now, I hear that high school players routinely perform it. Back in the day, an advanced marimba program consisted of the Mex Dances and a bunch of Japanese pieces.
It is scary to think how much the playing and repetoire for marimba has advanced in just 20 years time. I don't know if any other instrument has advanced as much.
I keep telling my 12 year old son that he better start on the marimba soon... if he waits until high school to get into it, then he will be a dinosaur!
Wonder where our beloved instrument will be in another 20????
It never hurts to go for it. I'd play them now for your teacher, and maybe a few years down play them again and see how you can make em better. fun tunes them stout dances