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anyone have thoughts about the best way to learn Nagoya Marimbas?

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i'm playing this duet by Steve Reich (the coolist thing you'll ever hear) and it's minimal, so it's real repetative. If there's anyone's who's played before i'd love some input. thanks

Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 2

The best way to learn Nagoya, like any piece, is correct, consistent practice. At first it may appear a little daunting, but there are no difficult rhythms, just alot of them. Take it at a slow tempo, break it down into sections........say, if you're playing part 1, the first 22bars. Memorize it. Then add another section. When i was learning it i made sure that i played through all that i new everyday, then would add at least 1-2 different rhythmic sections. It is a great attention to the clefs, they switch alot, and the dynamics....they are extremely important in this piece.

any other questions just post or email
