I would say that it is extremely rare for me to use four identical mallets on marimba; more often are combinations such as A-B-B-B, A-B-B-C, B-B-B-C, ...
Behzad,There are lots of mistakes in the HoneyRock edition, so be careful.m. 60, yes. The "+" and the dotted tie are in recognition that you must do s...
Perhaps, but I'm talking about wound xylophone mallets, not marimba or vibraphone mallets. You might also try various hard rubber or softer plastic (I...
Thanks for the interest, Jon.Yes, the audition requirements still apply, as would participation in large, conducted ensembles. However, your private s...
Xylophone or marimba is up to you; it's done both ways, although I'm not so sure about combining the two.Most solo xylophone playing is best done with...
Having heard a lot of Carter in auditions (and played my fair share, too), I would recommend Saeta, Canaries, or March.One point, though: if you can't...
There are no specific exercises for one-handed rolls in either MOM or IDEO-Kinetics, but you can easily create your own. Many players I know began wit...
Abe's Prism is for solo marimba, two-mallet, and is published in "Works for Solo Marimba."Prism Rhapsody is a concerto version of Prism, scored for bo...
That's right, but the test of a true master is in the elegance of the dynamic control. The F-C should remain constant, while the D-A, then Db-Ab fades...
Paul Smadbeck (b. 1955), Rhythm Song (1981)(See the Siwe Guide on pas.org!)WM
Good advice, indeed -- a very large BLOCK of salt! ;)WM
Sorry, there is no commercial recording of Klatzow's "Dances of Earth and Fire."WM
If you think that mvmt. V would be the easiest, you would be WRONG.n = niente, or nothing, i.e. the D tremolo begins and then the E fades in and joins...
The easiest place to start is with fellow composition majors or faculty at your school. There are a lot of great pieces out there that exist for littl...
Behzad,Great plans, but I would hold off on "Khan Variations" for just a bit...For Druckman errata, see pas.org for back issues of Percussive Notes (V...