Speaking from both sides of the concerto audition situation, I definitely recommend WITH accompanist (provided, of course, that it is a GOOD accompani...
Thanks very much. I'd say that about sums it up, but I do have a problem with that "been" in there. I know I left NYC for IL, but I'd like to think th...
This question has come up on the PAS board a few times and it can obviously be a minefield, but since you asked, I'll give you my opinion.(In chronolo...
If I remember correctly, the published arrangement of theRavel omits the B section, while the recording includes it.It's not terribly difficult to go ...
The terms I used were composed works and notated (meaning transcribed) improvisations. Ms. Abe's pieces generally fall in the latter category, which i...
Abe's Variations on Japanese Children's Songs is actually more of a lateral move. In difficulty level, I put it less than Time or Torse III, although ...
I usually think of Miyoshi's Conversation has being appropriate for study BEFORE Tanaka's Two Movements. After Two Movements, I would recommend Miyosh...
Percussion Music Europe, I believe.Steve Weiss Music carries it.WM
Peter Klatzow's Ambient Resonances (5.0 mba & vib)Also look for "Madame Rubio" information on Nancy Zeltsman's web page.WM
I use either IP Soloist or IP WIlliam Moersch, as follows:I - WM501,501,501,502 or IP100,100,100,200II - WM501,502,502,503 or IP200,240,240,300The cho...
You can wrap mallets yourself -- I did a lot of it in years past and I suggest that you learn -- or you can decide that time is more valuable than mon...
The IP Soloist models are rubber core and blended yarn, while the IP Ford models are synthetic core and acrylic yarn. The Soloists will be darker, hea...
In my somewhat biased opinion, Druckman's Reflections... is certainly one of the 4 or 5 most significant works ever written for the marimba. As auditi...
The only recordings I know of the Sarmientos Marimba Concerto are Vida Chenowith's and Angel Frette's, both difficult to obtain.
There is a collected edition of 329 (or some such number) J.S. Bach chorales -- it is probably in there.WM